Sewer Connections
Terra Construction are specialists in the connection of sewer connections and new sewers in Nottingham and the East Midlands.
Sewer Connection Services :
- Chapter 8 Road Signage Implementation (Traffic &Pedestrian Management)
- Obtain Road Opening Notice (Section 50)
- Obtain Service Records & Information
- Liaise With Local Utility Companies
- Storm & Foul Sewer Connections
- All Operatives NRSWA Certified
- Liaise With Local Authorities
- Completion Notice Obtained
- Severn Trent Water
- Full Reinstatement
- Anglian Water
Commercial And Residential Sewer Connections Nottingham
We carry out commercial and residential sewer connections ranging from individual new build dwellings to large commercial new build projects.

We Offer A Complete Sewer Connections Service
The services listed above are available as relevant projects, as required, with a matching amount of our reputable professionalism for every contract undertaken by us.
The Method We Adopt For Sewer Connections Are As Follows:
We liaise with the local authority and the local utility companies; we then obtain the sewer service records and information from the relevant water authority, i.e. Severn Trent Water or Anglian Water. We then obtain a Road Opening Notice (Section 50) from the local Highways Authority, and since April 2008 the new Traffic Management Act 2004 came into full operation which makes it easier to get a permit to open up a road, by giving local authorities more power concerning street works.
Next, Chapter 8 Road Signage (Traffic & Pedestrian Management) in the Traffic Manual published by the Department of Transport is set up and Foul and Storm sewers can be connected by our operatives, who are all NRSWA Certified.
Upon completion a full reinstatement of the road or footpath is made and a Completion Notice is obtained from the local authority.